The Historical Touch
"Well, Alfred, 'ow are the cakes?"
The Conscientious Exhilarator
"Every encouragement should be given for singing and whistling."
- (Extract from a "Military Manual.")
That painstaking fellow, Lieut. Orpheus, does his best, but finds
it uphill work at times.
Springtime In Flanders
"Personally, I think this is just what you want for laying your
eggs in, but, as Bairnsfather says, 'If you knows of a better 'ole,
go to it.'"
"My dream for years to come."
The Dud Shell - Or The Fuse-Top Collector
"Give it a good 'ard 'un, Bert; you can generally 'ear 'em fizzing
a bit first if they a a-goin' to explode."
When One Would Like To Start An Offensive On One's Own
Recipe For Feeling Like This - Bully, biscuits, no coke, and leave
just cancelled.