Situation Shortly Vacant
In an old-fashioned house in France an opening will shortly occur
for a young man, with good prospects of getting a rise.
A.D. Nineteen Fifty
"I see the War Babies' Battalion is a coming out."
"Gott strafe this barbed wire."
A Maxim Maxim
"Fire should be withheld till a favourable target presents itself."
My Dug-Out: A Lay Of The Trenches
What is this slimy dismal hole
Where oft I'm lurking like a mole
And cursing Germans heart and soul?
My Dug-Out
Where is that beneath the floor
The water's rising more and more
And where the roof's a broken door?
My Dug-Out
Where is it that I try to sleep
Betwixt alarms, when up I leap
And dash through water four foot deep?
My Dug-Out
Where is it that I'll catch a chill
And lose my only quinine bill
And probably remain until - I'm dug out?
My Dug-Out
"The Push" - In Three Chapters
By one who's been "Pushed."
"We shall attack at Dawn."
We do
Never mind about that now, drink this