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Great War Roll of Honour |
The First World War truly earned its title as “The Great War”. This war was a new experience for the whole of mankind and as a result of the extreme and horrific experiences that many were put through it inspired many to record their experiences. Two Officers and also poets of the time were Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen. With first hand experiences of the trauma of trench warfare they were able to pass on the true horrors of the war through the poems they created.
Sassoon was an Officer who had great respect for the men he commanded. He
respected his soldiers and in turn they held him in high regard. However the
reason Sassoon’s name appears so readily when we mention the war is
because of the Declaration he published. Sassoon, though valiantly fighting
for King and Country could not understand why the conflict was still going
on. He wished to show the public back home in England what was actually happening
in France. During a time he spent in Craiglockhart
War Hospital he met the second great poet whose literature is now well
known in many places. Through previous documentation, as well as knowledge
from the fictional novel
Regeneration, we know that Sassoon had an important influence on the writing
of Owen’s poetry.
Owen’s poem Anthem
For Doomed Youth describes a typical scene from one of the many battles
which occurred during the First World War. The “monstrous anger of the
guns” and the “rifles’ rapid rattle” can quickly establish
an image in which we can envisage a lot of death and destruction. This type
of description was extremely typical of much of the literature created during
this period. The creators wished that those at home would have a better image
of the true conditions of the war. Just as Owen also gives descriptions of
the events during the dangerous setting, we also see it is not a very pleasant
place. In The
Last Laugh Owen also uses the intense and blunt sound of the “bullets”
chirping. Owen uses an onomatopoeic word to allow us to believe that the bullets
flew gracefully through the air similarly to a bird soaring through the breeze.
These all add together to fill our mind with an empty field filled with machine
gun fire. Though there is more to the war than just this, as we can see in
Owen’s Dulce
Et Decorum Est “we cursed through sludge” and Sassoon’s
Suicide In The Trenches
“In winter trenches, cowed and glum”. These poems show those “smug-faced
crowds” that the conditions are much more hideous and horrifying than
they could even begin to imagine. “While you are knitting socks to send
your son”, taken from Glory
of Women, presents an interesting dichotomy of a warm and cosy lifestyle
in comparison with the desolation and destruction which is created on the
front lines of the war. Sassoon uses the soft alliterative sound of “s”
to show the gentle and almost luxurious atmosphere of those who remained at
home. The comparisons between the home front and the war front are major themes
covered in many of the texts created while the war was on, as we can also
see from poet Everard Owen who describes in Three
Hills, “a hill in England, Green fields and a school I know”
which is compared with “a hill in Flanders, Heaped with a thousand slain”.
Almost all of the poets who used writing to help deaden or reduce the psychologically
damaging effects such devastation could inflict used description to inform
the reader of the intensely gruesome surroundings.
Sassoon felt an immense animosity towards those who remained at home. He found
it greatly irritating when someone in England saw him as they simply cheered
as soldiers passed by. He was angry with the people who knew nothing of the
war due to the level of their ignorance. The public expected patriotic behaviour
though Sassoon used Suicide In The Trenches as one of his many tools
to persuade otherwise. Here Sassoon informs us about another problem that
many poets touched upon- the youthful boys. After being sent to fight in the
trenches and ending up a lone survivor, the lad’s desperation reaches
a critical level and he makes a conscious decision to “put a bullet
through his brain”. This action though doesn’t sound like a sudden
response; he had time to think about his actions prior to committing suicide
and therefore decides that he should “put” the bullet where it
seems to belong. The public whom lived in England never “spoke of him
again”, this shows either the incredible ignorance that the British
possessed or the immense censorship policies that were in place to prevent
the release of potentially upsetting information to the hard working women
back at home, who appeared to believe they were doing the right thing when
they were to “worship decorations” (Glory of Women).
Owen also decided to write about “the pity of war”, a theme that
is prevalent throughout a number of his works, and shines through tremendously
during Dulce Et Decorum Est. This poem, easily the most recognised
poem he created, informs us about the struggle the soldiers faced whilst returning
to the safety of their barracks. They were “bent double, like old beggars”,
full of ailments due to the poor living conditions, “coughing like hags”.
Owen uses effective imagery, the imagery is possibly too vivid, to allow us
to create a mental vision of an experienced gas attack. An intense feeling
of depersonalisation stands out in this poem as “He plunges at me, guttering,
choking, drowning”. The only thing that can be done is for the group
of men to sit back and watch one of their comrades’ writhe as he is
slowly asphyxiated. The poem They
covers an important topic many other poems cover in war literature, “For
George lost both his legs”, as this takes into consideration the issue
of unnecessary deaths and the injuring of innocent people. Owen, in the last
stanza of this poem tries to talk to us, the reader, with the hope of trying
to convince us that the current course of action is not really working. He
wishes that those who make up the strategic plans for assault could see what
being along the front line is actually like. This type of death would certainly
have been hidden from those at home as only heroic deaths were believed to
occur, though pathetic and feeble fatalities are what actually occurred.
A major issue that vexed nearly all of the soldiers during the war, which
is evident in Sassoon’s The
General is the unbelievably high level of incompetence that the leaders
of the war possessed “as he did for them both with his plan of attack”.
The General is Sassoon’s anger and hatred towards the patriarchal
armed forces personified through the creation of the General in the poem.
This General represents all those who were in control of the important decisions
that needed to be made regarding placement of hundreds of thousands of soldiers.
The leaders lacked the experience, “we met him last week on the way
to the line”, shows that the boys who were making their way to fight
the enemy only passed the General in an area which was deemed as a safe zone.
As this war was certainly the first of its kind no experience was actually
held by any of the leaders, previous warfare consisted of fewer men performing
different strategic manoeuvres. The fact that in the poem the troops continued
and “the soldiers he smiled at are most of ‘em dead” shows
that he witnessed troops being sent to a danger zone and was so convinced
that his ideas were the best possible actions he allowed them to continue.
Though at no point were there thoughts that it may be a danger for them, he
had assessed the mortality rate which is why he remained far away from the
action. The hierarchical control of the soldiers was almost farcical to Sassoon,
though many other poets of this period were also angry at those who made the
decisions just as in The Last Laugh Owen informs us of three ordinary
deaths of the time, though we are left with the impression that there are
an immense number of deaths not mentioned. Within the second stanza he uses
the term “Another sighed” informing us that there were others
and there always would be others with no imminent end in sight. The three
deaths are typical deaths too, which would have been the three major reasons
for the deaths of thousands in the field. The attempts at gaining ground in
“No Man’s Land” were pitiful and all attempts were futile.
Despite these tremendous losses the leaders of the minion soldiers believed
their course of action was the correct thing to do. Though as supplies of
men depleted, the governments of both sides needed to recruit more people.
As Sassoon understands in Suicide In The Trenches he informs the
reader that those at home “Sneak home and pray” that they will
“never know” what the war is actually like and what actually goes
on. A Latin poet, Horace, initially created the statement Dulce Et Decorum
Est, which means ‘it is sweet and fitting to die for your country’.
Owen’s poem Dulce Et Decorum Est was named using the old words
of Latin because he believed that these were old ideas. Once you may have
had pride in dying for your country though that was when Latin was a widely
spoken language. Now as the old ideals have faded away he is almost patronising
the old text, saying that this was what was, though now it is not so. Unlike
Rupert Brooke neither Owen nor Sassoon believe that it is honourable to die
for one's country, not with the new style of fighting. Gas is the new death.
There exists no more chivalry as in Glory of Women Sassoon says “you
believe That chivalry redeems the wars disgrace” though he, and the
other soldiers participating in the war, know that chivalry has passed. No
longer can one have an honourable death as in Suicide In The Trenches
and Dulce Et Decorum Est both of the deaths are far from full of
honour. There is a tired, lonely soldier boy who, facing the terrifying experience
of the war alone took an almost cowardly way out, by taking his own life.
Though when this is compared with the devastating gas attack in Owen’s
poem “But someone still was yelling out and stumbling” we see
that the choices for death in this gruesome war do not even offer an opportunity
to die with honour. An excellent poem that sums up the fact that all honour
has gone from fighting is Hardy’s Then
and Now. Two stanzas are spent informing us of the proper way to
die. How men face each other and by following the honoured rules they would
fight. The last stanza is obviously almost a cynical view on life and war
now. “Sly slaughter Rules now! …… Stab first!” This
exert from the poem explains the loss of the innocence and honour from war.
No longer is it wonderful for one to die for one’s country as Sassoon
and Owen both show. It is more important to stay alive and save yourself “before
my helpless sight”. When we experience what Owen and Sassoon wish us
to see we soon believe other people’s disillusioned state, such as Rupert
Brooke where he firmly believed personal sacrifice for one’s country
is the greatest gift a man can give “But, dying, has made us rarer gifts
than gold”.
Overall Owen and Sassoon present to us many ideas in which they believe. The
main themes they cover are not only included within nearly all of their poetry
but also within the works of many other poets and writers. These were that
the home experiences during the war were drastically different to those experienced
on the front lines in France as “You make us shells” is more of
an innocent and easier lifestyle than what the soldiers experience as the
women are described to be watching the war whereas in Sassoon’s They
we see evidence that the men were heavily participating in the war “Poor
Jim’s shot through the lungs” and it was the men who suffered
the consequences. This in turn intensified the ill feelings Sassoon held towards
the population of people who were not called up for duty. They refused to
recognise that there was an amazing and bloody war taking place “You
crown our distant ardours”. The poor demeaning environment the troops
had to confront was startling. As from Regeneration, soldiers had
to stand in a dug-out which “was flooded” so they had to “stand
the whole time” for 48-hours. Through the poetry of Sassoon and Owen
we can also see the problems of communication between the high ranking inexperienced
generals and the low ranking foot soldiers who fought the war. Both poets
cover the typical problems encountered in “The War To End All Wars”.
It is thanks to their creative genius that we are able to have such a detailed
understanding of what the Great War was actually like. Through Owen and Sassoon’s’
poetry we are able both to identify and fully understand the main concerns
that both Officers and soldiers had whilst fighting in the First World War.
These two great poets keep the horrific experiences of the First World War
real as a dedication to those who died, and also as a warning to the future
leaders that war itself has no reason to be fought by the common soldier.